Course curriculum

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    • Module 1 - 3 Key Aspects of the Metaverse: Presence, Interoperability, and Standardization
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    Module 2 - 4 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Workplace

    • 4 Ways The Metaverse Will Change The Workplace
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    Module 3 - 5 Companies Investing in the Metaverse

    • 5 Companies Investing in the Metaverse
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    Module 4 - 5 Real-Life Examples of the Metaverse

    • 5 Real-Life Examples of the Metaverse
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    Module 5 - A Brief History of the Metaverse

    • A Brief History of the Metaverse
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    Module 6 - Should I be Worried About the Metaverse?

    • Should I be Worried About the Metaverse?
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    Module 7 - The Metaverse and Medicine

    • The Metaverse and Medicine
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    Module 8 - Top 3 Things to Understand About the Metaverse

    • Top 3 Things to Understand About the Metaverse
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    Module 9 - Top 5 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Future

    • Top 5 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Future
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    Module 10 - Understanding the Relationship Between the Metaverse, Crypto, and NFTs

    • Understanding the Relationship Between the Metaverse, Crypto, and NFTs